Performing them, you will receive regular payment. When playing in the company, you will regularly receive a variety of missions. Among which there are, including really difficult tasks. It is also worth mentioning the presence of several difficulty modes.

And such a battle may be even more interesting. Moreover, in addition to the company, there is an opportunity to play on the network against real players. It is also worth emphasizing that in General, you will have a choice, although it is accepted to play for the special forces, but with some desire, you can understandably take control of the real terrorist. Visual effects made at a height, and in General, you can call them almost a masterpiece. In the game you will find a huge number of battles, everything looks really beautiful, and consistently pleases with its capabilities. Download Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour for Android, as you can well see, it was worth it exclusively for the sake of such advantages. Everything will end in a nuclear war, so you have much more in your hands than the lives of a few hostages, and depending on how you pull off the operation, the future of the whole world depends. However, everything here is about the same as the analogues, with a few exceptions, if you make a mistake somewhere during the operation, and do something wrong. The plot here is as follows, the terrorists have taken hostages, and you will have to act as the one who will release them. But you can enjoy quite high-quality graphics, and excellent detail of the world, in this regard, everything also turned out more than soundly. Although at the same time, the plot is not flexible, the main line is the same and most of what is happening, you with all your desire, you simply can not influence. Here is quite an interesting storyline, which is a pleasure to watch, it is famously twisted, and pleases a solid set of various branches. Like the previous parts, the game is sharpened for numerous battles, you will have to wait for a huge number of opponents, which you will have to quickly destroy at the time. This is the fourth game in the series that will not leave you indifferent. Modern Combat 4 – many popular games, are continued in the form of many new parts, here in front of you is the option.